Source code for tabular_export.admin

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Usage can be as simple as adding the generic actions to a ModelAdmin::

    actions = (export_to_excel_action, export_to_csv_action)

These will take the QuerySet and provide a generic export action which is essentially what you'd from the
``values()`` method. The filename will be generated from the model name specified for that `ModelAdmin`.

The allow you to pass a custom file filename or list of fields which are passed through directly to
:func:`flatten_queryset` and :func:`export_to_excel_response` / :func:`export_to_csv_response`
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from functools import wraps

from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from .core import export_to_csv_response, export_to_excel_response, flatten_queryset

[docs]def ensure_filename(suffix): """ Decorator which automatically sets the filename going into the admin actions from the ``ModelAdmin.model``'s ``verbose_name_plural`` value unless a value was provided by the caller. """ def outer(f): # TODO: After upgrading to Python 3, we can drop the extra args using , *, to force keyword-only args @wraps(f) def inner(modeladmin, request, queryset, filename=None, *args, **kwargs): if filename is None: filename = '%s.%s' % (force_text(modeladmin.model._meta.verbose_name_plural), suffix) return f(modeladmin, request, queryset, filename=filename, *args, **kwargs) return inner return outer
[docs]def export_to_excel_action(modeladmin, request, queryset, filename=None, field_names=None): """Django admin action which exports selected records as an Excel XLSX download""" headers, rows = flatten_queryset(queryset, field_names=field_names) return export_to_excel_response(filename, headers, rows)
export_to_excel_action.short_description = _('Export to Excel') @ensure_filename('csv')
[docs]def export_to_csv_action(modeladmin, request, queryset, filename=None, field_names=None): """Django admin action which exports the selected records as a CSV download""" headers, rows = flatten_queryset(queryset, field_names=field_names) return export_to_csv_response(filename, headers, rows)
export_to_csv_action.short_description = _('Export to CSV')